I am terrified when I read articles like this in the Times. It reminds me that a lack of opportunity and education for the children in poor pockets of Pakistan, Yemen, India, etc. are providing the taliban with an unattended flock of sheep for their taking.
In the book, Three Cups of Tea: One Mans Journey to Promote Peace One School at a Time, the author explains that 15 to 20 percent of these madrassa students are recieving military training, along with a curriculum that emphasized jihad and hatred of the West. Without a balanced education, and the tools to sustain themselves out of poverty, it is far too easy for extremists to recruit.
Why can't our world leaders and Sec. Clinton see that this is where we are going to loose Pakistan to the Taliban? Why can't we wake up and see that the best way we can fight extremism is to teach the uneducated something better?